Sunday, December 25, 2005

Merry Christmas to All!!!

I hope you all enjoy the holidays! Be Safe!

Friday, December 23, 2005

Seagate paying $1.9B to buy Maxtor Corp.

SCOTTS VALLEY, CA, United States (UPI) -- California-based Seagate Technology LLC, the world`s biggest maker of hard disk drives, is paying $1.9 billion for data storage company Maxtor Corp.

The all-stock deal has been approved by both companies` boards, Seagate said Wednesday.

Upon closing of the definitive agreement, Seagate shareholders will own 84 percent of the combined entity.

'The combination of Seagate and Maxtor will build on Seagate`s foundation as the premier global hard disc drive company, leveraging the strength of Seagate`s significant operating scale to drive product innovation, maximize operational efficiencies, and realize significant cost synergies,' Seagate said.

Sober.Y does something good for a change

Remember Sober.Y? The one which sends fake emails from FBI, CIA and German police.

One of the emails it sends to German recipients goes like this:

Das Herunterladen von Filmen, Software und MP3s ist illegal und
somit strafbar. Wir moechten Ihnen hiermit vorab mitteilen, dass
Ihr Rechner unter der IP erfasst wurde. Der Inhalt Ihres Rechner
wurde als Beweismittel sichergestellt und es wird ein
Ermittlungsverfahren gegen Sie eingleitet.

Die Strafanzeige und die Moeglichkeit zur Stellungnahme wird
Ihnen in den naechsten Tagen schriftlich zugestellt.

--- Bundeskriminalamt BKA
--- Referat LS 2
--- 65173 Wiesbaden
--- Tel.: +49 (0)611 - 55 - 12331 oder
--- Tel.: +49 (0)611 - 55 - 0

...which goes on to explain that illegal material has been found from your computer, an investigation against you has been started, contents of your hard drive has been seized as evidence and you should execute the attachment without thinking twice about it.

Now, turns out somebody in Padenborn, Germany got this message, freaked out about it and decided to turn himself in. Whoa. German police investigated his computer and found child porn from it.
Source: F-Secure weblog

Monday, December 12, 2005

The ATI X1800XT Tradeup competition winner!


Friday, December 09, 2005

Strange Password NT Challenge And Response Problem

I have been working on a new store for one of our biggest clients using the Miva Merchant Shopping Kart. Today when I setup the new store when I try to go the new store front (not the Admin) I get the windows 2003 Challenge and Responce password box, I have checked the setting in IIS 6.0 and I am using the Anonymous Access. I have also checked the persmisions and IUSR is enabled on the parent folder. I have went so far as deleteing the website from IIS and adding back with no luck. I cant for the best of me figure it out if anybody has any sugestion please post your comments.

Thanks in Advance


Friday, July 29, 2005


Just created this BLOG more will follow