Monday, February 20, 2006

Another worm burrows Mac OS X's way

A second OS X worm has been identified that exploits an old Bluetooth vulnerability to spread from one Mac to another.
Inqtana.A is a 'proof of concept' and harmless worm that relies on a vulnerability in both Panther and Tiger that Apple patched last June. The patch is also included in all subsequent OS X updates.

Unpatched, the flaw could allow access to files outside the default Bluetooth exchange folder.

Mac Security News notes that Inqtana.A has not been discovered 'in the wild' and relies on a Bluetooth library, locked into a specific Bluetooth address, that expires on 24 February 2006.

'If you are using OS X 10.4 make sure that you have latest security patches installed and you are safe from Inqtana.A and any future worm that tries to use same exploit,' the website advises.

7800 GS AGP Arrived

I did some benchmarks with new new card and 8th overall at

see screenshot

Good Laugh!!

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Monday, February 13, 2006

Nvidia 7800 GS AGP

Well I finaly got a new video card ordered I chose the XFX Geforce 7800 AGP this way I can still get some more life out of my AMD 3200 XP motherboard and CPU

Wednesday, February 08, 2006

The Dawn of Blu-ray

The end of your DVD collection is near, for soon some newfangled format is going to replace your plain old digital versatile discs with their new Blu-ray or HD DVD technologies (depending on which of the two competing formats becomes the dominant one). And Sony Pictures Home Entertainment has announced its first wave of Blu-ray titles.
Variety reports that the movies will range from $29.95 for catalog pictures to $34.95 for new films, and titles in the first batch will include the (yawn) likes of The Fifth Element, Bram Stoker’s Dracula, Hitch, House of Flying Daggers, Sense and Sensibility, and Stealth. Additionally, MGM library titles, which are the purview of Sony as well since they took over that studio, include For a Few Dollars More, The Last Waltz, Robocop, Species, and The Terminator. Underworld: Evolution will be one of the first new releases on Blu-ray, probably in early summer.
The inevitable format wars between Blu-ray and HD DVD (endorsed by Warner Home Video, among others) – and fear of scaring off consumers – has already brought the prices of the discs down. They were originally intended to go for more than the $30 or $35 that has been announced. Street dates on the Blu-ray discs haven’t been announced yet, but the first HD DVD titles are expected to be released on March 28.

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