Tuesday, April 18, 2006

Off Topic "Scientology"

Look I'm not one to knock someone else religion but come on it wasn't created till 1950? I just hope the people get what they need out of it, thus then I guess its a good thing.

A little info on Scientology

Scientology is a religion invented by L. Ron Hubbard, a science fiction writer who died in 1986. It is a mixture of the 'science of mental health' and religious philosophy. They believe that through their technologies and praticses they can, through their own effort, achieve immortality and spiritual fulfillment.

The offical numbers put the church as "ministering to some 8 million people in more than 100 countries", although how many of those 8 million are active Scientologists is not mentioned.

The upper teachings of Scientology are similar to those of a UFO based religion. They teach that Earth is a prison planet, home to the souls of millions of murdered intergalatic beings. They teach that an evil galatic overload named Xenu had them all killed in order to solve a massive overcrowding problem. This is known as Incident 2. This is not a joke. These are the actual teachings of Scientology. Ex-members have confirmed it. For a complete analysis of Incident 2, please see.

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